I am currently a Ph.D candidate in Computer Science and Music at UC San Diego. I am fortunate to be co-advised by Prof. Shlomo Dubnov and Prof. Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick.

I obtained my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science in software engineering track at Fudan University, co-advised by Prof. Wei Li and Prof. Gus Xia.

Currently, I am working as a research intern at Adobe Inc.
Previously I interned at Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL), Apple, Bytedance AI Lab, and Tencent.

I am presently actively seeking employment opportunities mainly within the industry, with a primary focus on audio and music AI technology. Feel free to reach out if there is an opportunity! Check below buttons for more information about me, along with the resume and the publication list.

My main interest lies in Audio and Music Representation Learning, and its application to downstreaming tasks. It is the inter-disciplinary among music, general audio, and computer science. Main research I conduct during my PhD study is listed below:

  • Audio and Music Information Retrieval
    • Contrastive Language-Audio Pretraining
    • Audio Event, Music, and Speech Source Separation
    • Audio Classification
    • Singing Melody Extraction
    • Music Recommendation
  • Music Generative AI
    • Text-to-Music Generation via Latent Diffusion Models
    • Controllable Music Generation via Variational Auto-Encoders
    • Multitrack Music Generation via Transformer Models

Highlighted Projects with regard to the above research I lead or serve as a main contributor:

I am the website maintainer of China Conference on Sound and Music Technology and New Interfaces for Musical Expression. My alias "Knut" comes from one of my favorite composers Knut Nystedt.

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